Swansea CAN

The Swansea Climate Action Network is an inclusive network of organisations and individuals, supporting awareness raising, campaigns and practical action in the Swansea area, to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.

Our next public meeting is

Wednesday 29th May 6pm

Environment Centre, SA1 1RY

6.00pm food to share, bring a dish if you can

6.30pm meeting start

Join our monthly meeting to find out more about Swansea Council’s plans for Net Zero 2050, their Climate Change and Nature Strategy and, most importantly, what are they doing and what can we do to take on the climate emergency that we are in.

We’ll be joined by Jane Richmond, Project Manager for Strategic Climate Change at Swansea Council . We’ll be discussing:

  • What’s in the Strategy and how it’s progressing

  • How communities, businesses, workers, community groups and activists will be involved

  • How the Council are preparing their own workforce to carry out the Strategy

  • What Swansea Climate Action Network can do to move things forward.

All Welcome!

We showed our support for the Steel Workers in Port Talbot at their rally at the Civic Centre on Sat 17th February.
Swansea CAN members also gave out flyers, helping to promote a Community Conversation (People’s Assembly) for 2nd March 1pm, being organised by local activists and community members in Port Talbot.

  • Follow us on Facebook

    Get involved and keep up to date with our events and activities via our Facebook page.

  • Workspace

    Already attending meetings? Get more involved in developing our initiatives through the SwanseaCAN Workspace.

  • Share our leaflet

    Share our leaflet and spread the word, so others can join in the conversation and the action.

About Swansea CAN


Motivated by COP26 in 2021…

…environmental and other groups in Swansea formed a coalition to work together to ensure that our city took part in the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on November 6th 2021. It was a fantastic day connecting with the wider public on the issue of climate change. Since then we have continued working together, as the Swansea Climate Action Network (SwanseaCAN) to champion environmental action in Swansea.

We are a part of the Climate Justice Coalition and we joined with other networks and groups from around the world for the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice on November 12th 2022. The Global Day of Action was called for by Egyptian activists in response to the COP27 talks. we all knew that the COP talks would not come up with the radical solutions that we need. There were 250 mobilisations all over the world, Swansea had a rally in Castle Square and a march through the town centre.


Get involved!

How can we approach climate change and inequality with hope?

We are a network of people and groups who believe in the wisdom of the crowd - together we can creatively imagine the future we want for Swansea. Be part of the dialogue, and more importantly, the action.

We welcome all groups and individuals - campaign groups, eco-projects, community groups, schools, universities, unions, places of worship, green businesses etc.

The climate crisis and the cost of living crisis are two sides of the same coin; a direct result of a system that puts profits before people and the environment

SwanseaCAN believes that by coming together we can more effectively enable change and organise more easily within our communities. We need politicians and organisations to do more, but there is also so much more we could be doing in our communities to make our lives greener and better.

Join our email list.

Email SwanseaCAN@protonmail.com or complete the form to add yourself to our mailing list or your organisation to the list of supporters. By joining our mailing list you’ll receive the latest news and information on how you can get involved.

We need our politicians and organisations to do more but there is also so much more we could be doing in our communities to make our lives greener and better.


9 December: Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, Noon - Castle Square, 2pm Elysium.

Temperatures are rising. Corporate profits are rising. Now we’re rising.

As world leaders gather for the UN’s climate negotiations at COP28, a climate summit presided over by an oil executive, we’re coming together on 9 December to demand climate justice.

Swansea CAN are a member of the Climate Justice Coalition, a coalition of groups and individuals committed to building solidarity and power for climate justice in Britain and across the globe.

The CAE (Centre for African Entrepreneurship) took the lead in organising the day this year. Find more info on their Facebook Event.

We hope to see you there!

Groups working together as the Swansea Climate Action Network